Why Invisalign® Treatment Patients Love the iTero® Scanner

By: Dr. Savitha Bathini


If you've been considering Invisalign treatment, there's a good chance you've heard of the iTero Intraoral Scanner. At OraCare Dentistry in Plano, TX, Dr. Savitha Bathini utilizes this cutting-edge technology to create a more efficient and comfortable patient experience. The iTero Scanner is one of the many ways we can help you achieve a beautiful smile. But why is it such a game-changer?

How does the iTero Scanner work in the first place?

The iTero Scanner uses state-of-the-art imaging technology to capture thousands of detailed photos of your teeth and gums. These images are then digitally compiled into a 3D model of your mouth. Unlike traditional dental impressions, which often involve a messy, uncomfortable process, the iTero Scanner is clean and quick. Here are some reasons patients prefer it:

  • Accuracy: Capture the tiniest details for a perfect Invisalign aligner fit.
  • Speed: The scanning process takes just a few minutes.
  • Comfort: Say goodbye to the goop and gag reflex from traditional molds.

What are the benefits of the iTero Scanner for Invisalign treatment?

The iTero Scanner isn't just about comfort and speed; it also directly benefits your Invisalign treatment. One of the key advantages is the scanner's ability to simulate outcomes. Before you even start your treatment, you can see a projection of your beautiful smile at the end of the journey. This adds an exciting, motivational aspect to the treatment process. Moreover, the scanner's high accuracy helps ensure that your custom Invisalign aligners fit snugly, making the treatment more effective.

Why do patients claim it enhances the Invisalign treatment experience?

With the iTero Scanner, Invisalign treatment becomes a more streamlined and interactive experience. Patients appreciate seeing their treatment plan unfold right before their eyes. It can minimize uncertainties and allow adjustments to be made in real time, saving the patient and Dr. Bathini valuable time. The iTero Scanner lays the foundation for a tailor-made treatment plan.

What does the iTero Scanner mean for the future of dental care?

The iTero Scanner isn't just a revolutionary tool for Invisalign treatment; it's a glimpse into the future of dental care. With the integration of advanced technology, dental practices may move away from one-size-fits-all approaches to personalized treatment plans. More dental solutions will likely utilize digital scanning technology in the coming years to help provide even more accurate and efficient treatments. When you choose to undergo Invisalign treatment at OraCare Dentistry with Dr. Bathini, you can not only get a beautiful smile — you can experience a piece of the future.

Experience the future of dental technology

If you're ready to kickstart your journey toward a beautiful smile, there's virtually no better place to start than with Dr. Savitha Bathini at OraCare Dentistry in Plano, TX. Schedule a consultation today to experience firsthand the incredible benefits of the iTero Scanner in your Invisalign treatment. Take the first step toward a smile that can light up a room.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.