Three Signs That Could Indicate the Need for a Root Canal

By: Dr. Savitha Bathini


While the thought of a root canal may not be a pleasant one, this treatment is often necessary to help restore the health of a tooth and give you the much-needed pain relief you deserve. Not only that, but many patients actually report root canal treatments to be relatively painless and uneventful, thanks in part to modern techniques and the use of local anesthesia. At OraCare Dentistry in Plano, TX, experienced dentist Dr. Savitha Bathini performs advanced root canal therapy to help patients regain the health, function, and comfort of their teeth once again. Here, you’ll find three common signs and symptoms that may mean root canal treatment is appropriate for you.

What is a root canal?

To better understand whether you may need a root canal, it’s helpful to first know a little bit about the treatment itself, including what its purpose is and how it works. A root canal is designed to remove infected or decaying pulp, which is the soft material in the innermost core of the tooth that contains nerves, blood vessels, and other tissues. Once the compromised dental pulp is removed, the tooth and root are filled with a synthetic material, sealed, and covered with a dental crown for protection and strength.

How do I know if I need a root canal?

There are several other dental issues that can mimic some of the symptoms associated with needing a root canal, meaning the only way to determine with certainty whether you require a root canal is to be evaluated by your dentist. However, there are some signs and symptoms that may point to the likelihood of needing a root canal. Three of the most common signs that indicate a root canal may be appropriate and effective for you include:

1. Pain

For many people, the first and most obvious sign of needing a root canal at OraCare Dentistry is pain. The pain can be constant or intermittent and may worsen at certain times or with certain activities. The nature of the pain can range from sharp to dull, aching to throbbing, and more. Still, persistent pain — especially deep in the tooth or jaw and radiating to the face — may be indicative of an infected tooth that requires a root canal.

2. Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity to hot, cold, and sugary foods and beverages is another common warning sign of tooth decay requiring a root canal.

3. Discoloration

When the pulp of the tooth becomes infected or dies, it can lead to a discolored appearance of the tooth itself, which often begins to appear gray or brown. This is more common with a front tooth versus a back tooth or molar.

Additional signs that you may need a root canal include swelling or redness around the gums, the feeling of a loose tooth, and visible damage to the tooth — like a chip or crack.

Don’t delay — restore your oral health and comfort with advanced root canal therapy in Plano, TX, today

If you are experiencing any of the signs and symptoms above, you may be in need of a root canal or another dental treatment to address infection, decay, damage, or something else. When treatment is delayed, you may experience worsening pain or more serious complications. Take the first step toward protecting your dental health, getting relief from your dental pain, and learning whether you need a root canal by calling OraCare Dentistry to schedule your consultation and exam with Plano, TX, dentist and root canal provider Dr. Savitha Bathini today.

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