The Benefits of Dental Sedation for Special Needs

By: Dr. Savitha Bathini


At OraCare Dentistry in Plano, TX, Dr. Savitha Bathini and our caring team believe that all patients deserve to have a comfortable and pleasant experience at the dentist’s office. When it comes to patients with special needs, we understand that it can be challenging for parents, families, and caregivers to see their loved one experiencing anxiety or pain and that it is often difficult to find a dentist who understands the unique needs of these patients. With this in mind, we are proud to offer a number of dental sedation options for special needs patients. Keep reading to learn more about the many benefits of special needs dental sedation, as well as how it works and when it may be appropriate to consider.

How can I help my special needs child relax at the dentist?

While many people have anxiety about going to the dentist, patients with disabilities or special needs can find it particularly stressful, uncomfortable, and confusing. While each patient is unique and will find comfort in different ways, strategies that may be helpful often include having a close friend or loved one nearby, bringing a comforting item or blanket, and “practicing” what to expect beforehand. Still, many people find that additional assistance is needed to help keep their special needs patients relaxed at the dentist. For these patients, dental sedation can be an effective solution.

How does dental sedation for special needs patients work?

The type of dental sedation used for a patient with special needs will depend on several factors, including the nature of the patient’s disability, their level of comprehension and anxiety, the treatment or procedure being performed, and others. At OraCare Dentistry, Dr. Bathini offers several options for dental sedation, including:

  • Nitrous oxide (laughing gas)
  • Oral sedative (oral conscious sedation)
  • IV sedation

With oral medication and IV sedation, patients will remain awake but may feel as though they slept through their appointment and typically do not remember it. These options can be particularly effective for patients with severe dental anxiety and those facing a more complex, invasive procedure, whether or not they have special needs.

What are the benefits of using sedation dentistry for patients with special needs?

Not only does dental sedation benefit the patient themselves, but it can also be beneficial for the provider, the patient’s loved ones, and others. With the patient is relaxed with sedation dentistry, Dr. Bathini is able to perform a more thorough treatment or procedure without delays or risks that may be incurred with the patient more “awake.” Additionally, the patient’s family or caregiver can enjoy a more pleasant experience without the worry of their loved one being in pain or distress. Of course, for the patient, dental sedation means they can receive their necessary treatments and procedures in a virtually painless way that does not cause stress or anxiety.

Get the peace of mind you deserve with dental sedation for special needs patients in Plano, TX

If you avoid taking your family member with disabilities or special needs to the dentist for fear of anxiety, pain, or another unwanted experience, we can help. For more information about your options for dental care with sedation in Plano, TX for patients with special needs, call OraCare Dentistry to speak with one of our knowledgeable team members and to set up a consultation with Dr. Savitha Bathini today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.