How Sedation Dentistry Can Transform Your Dental Experience

By: Dr. Savitha Bathini


Dental anxiety is a real — and common — phenomenon that affects countless men, women, and children. Even with routine dental exams and cleanings, many patients feel nervous or anxious about going to the dentist. At OraCare Dentistry in Plano, TX, Dr. Savitha Bathini and our compassionate team understand dental anxiety, and we are committed to ensuring our patients have the most comfortable experience possible. With this in mind, we are proud to offer a variety of sedation dentistry options that can help reduce dental anxiety or discomfort while also allowing treatments and procedures to be performed more efficiently and thoroughly. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of sedation during dental work, and find answers to common sedation dentistry FAQs to better understand which type of dental sedation may be right for you.

What kind of sedation is used in dentistry?

At OraCare Dentistry, we understand that patients experience varying levels of fear, discomfort, and anxiety about going to the dentist and that certain types of dental treatments and procedures may be more difficult for a patient to endure than others. To address the unique needs of our patients, we are proud to offer a range of dental sedation options, including:

  • Oral sedation
  • IV sedation
  • Nitrous oxide (laughing gas)

Prior to you or your child's dental treatment, Dr. Bathini will discuss any concerns you may have and will recommend the type of dental sedation most appropriate for the specific scenario.

When is dental sedation recommended?

In addition to general dental anxiety, there are several situations and variables that may make sedation a beneficial addition to a dental treatment or procedure. Some of the most common reasons for using sedation during dentistry include:

  • Dental fear or anxiety
  • Complex treatment or procedure
  • Potentially uncomfortable or painful treatment
  • Treating an anxious child
  • Treating a patient with special needs

Why should I consider sedation dentistry?

Whether you are facing extensive dental work or simply have dental anxiety, sedation dentistry may be a beneficial option for you. Not only can dental sedation calm your fears and allow you to feel more relaxed and comfortable during your appointment, but it can also make your treatment or procedure more efficient and successful, as dental anxiety often results in the need to take multiple breaks throughout the course of treatment. With the patient kept comfortable and relaxed, Dr. Bathini is often able to perform procedures in less time and even in a single appointment rather than multiple visits that may have been required otherwise.

Will I need someone to drive me home from the dentist if sedation is used?

Our team is committed to patient health and safety, and Dr. Bathini will discuss what to expect after your visit based on which type of sedation is used. With nitrous oxide, patients are typically able to drive themselves home after their appointment, while other forms of sedation may require patients to have a responsible driver. Again, our team will help you understand what to expect with your appointment so that you can plan accordingly.

Don't suffer through your dental appointments any longer. Consider sedation dentistry in Plano, TX

With a full range of sedation dentistry options available at OraCare Dentistry, there's no reason for patients to have anything less than a comfortable and relaxed visit to the dentist. For more information about your Plano, TX sedation dentistry options, call to schedule your consultation or examination with Dr. Savitha Bathini today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.